Kristen Smith
Senior Vice President
Frost Bank
Just as annual checkups with your doctor are vital to staying healthy, your finances call for similar well-deserved attention on a regular basis. With the many changes that occur in your life, business and the world around us, it’s important to have a trusted advisor by your side to assess your financial health. At Frost, our team of financial experts are by your side to ensure you’re moving in the right direction and are ready for the unexpected. Whether it’s banking, insurance, or investments, your dedicated Frost financial expert will assist you in making the right decisions for your financial future.
Reexamining Your Financial Goals
An annual checkup with your Frost financial expert serves as a good opportunity to evaluate progress on goals and to make sure you’re following a realistic plan that helps achieve them. Perhaps these goals include expanding your business into new locations or maxing out your IRA. If you think your goals are due for an adjustment or a complete refresh, Frost is here to help you craft a comprehensive plan tailored to your unique situation.
Assessing Change & Preparing for the Unexpected
Even if you seem to be on track with your goals, change can happen in a matter of months leading to needed adjustments across your financial plan. Whether it’s a new house, marriage, divorce or a loss in the family, these life changes will have an impact on various aspects of your finances and may call for a change in everything from your insurance needs to your business succession plan. By checking in with your financial expert, they can help analyze these changes and determine how they impact your financial situation.
Beyond changes in your own life, the evolving economy may also cause the need to reevaluate. For example, as we navigate rising interest rates and inflation, you may want to consider the impacts higher prices are having on your cash flow based on changes in inventory costs, or how new rates are affecting your business’s line of credit. Your financial expert will be able to help you assess the effects on your business as well as your personal finances and help you adjust accordingly
Don’t Go it Alone
It’s easy to neglect our financial health when we’re caught up in the day-to-day, which is why an annual checkup is critical to help you stay on track. The same preventative approach that we take with our annual physical checkups is a good practice for your finances, because life never fails to bring unexpected change. And there’s no need to go it alone, be sure you’re connected with a knowledgeable and experienced advisor who prioritizes your financial health just as much as your doctor prioritizes your physical health.
For more information, contact Kristen Smith at or (713) 388-1300.