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What Are You Thankful For?

Nov 22, 2018 | Blog

We asked our 2018 Greater Houston Women Hall of Fame Inductees to share what they are thankful for.

It has been said that “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow”. – Melody Beattie
During this time of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the many blessings in my life including:
The Gifts of Five Graces – Sight, Sound, Touch, Smell and Taste;
The Gifts of Inspiration, Compassion and Creativity;
The Gifts of Intelligence, Education and Motivation;
The Gift of Faith, Abundant Love, Passion and Joy;
The Gifts of Good Health, Warm Heart and Happy Home;
The Gifts of Encouraging Parents, Strong Family, Supportive Friends and Husband;
The Gifts of Each Personal Connection…Each of you who have encouraged me, guided and mentored me, have shared of yourselves and your experiences to provide me with opportunities for success, have influenced and increased my ability to share of myself and to make a positive impact in the lives of others and our community. To each of you I am grateful, and I thank you!

– With Gratitude, Katrina Arnim



“I am most thankful for the wonderful people that I have known.  Like others, I have experienced ups and downs in my life, including the losses of those I have loved, health scares, meanness, financial concerns, work stress and times of fear and doubt.  I am grateful for having people in my life who, through their kindness, care, love and support, helped me survive and thrive through those difficult times, and have been there to celebrate my victories and share in fun and laughter.  It is those people – my family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, medical personnel, service providers and caring strangers – that I am most thankful for today and every day.”



“Although it may sound trite, I am most thankful for the health and the happiness of my family and friends. Life can be short, so it is very important that we enjoy every moment and take care of ourselves and the ones that we love. I am thankful for my parents, who gave me the drive to succeed, and for my husband and children who support me in all my endeavors.”



“Gratitude is part of my DNA.  I am blessed with a loving family, supportive friends, abiding faith, collaborative colleagues, engaging employment, impactful volunteer opportunities, a dedicated running buddy, continuous learning, creative outlets and daily laughter.”



“I am thankful or the simplest things to the most complex, I feel gratitude for the magnificence of  creation and all therein, for my good health and to extend total well-being, for the love of devoted family and cherished friends, for the opportunity to help others and to try to make a difference, for privileges of  a very  blessed life, for the freedoms and birthright of being an American,  for strong faith in the Almighty and for simply ‘Being Me.'”



“I am thankful for the strong women who came before me. For the female pioneers in my family on whose shoulders I stand. I am thankful for the opportunity to show the next generation of women, my daughters and granddaughters, that it is never too early to early to stand up for what you believe in. For the women and men who have told me I matter. For a community who allows a woman to shine and flourish regardless of her age, creed or color. It is an honor to be in the daily presence of overlooked heroes and an army of unseen quiet warriors. I am grateful for this organization whose paean is to the power of women. Mostly, I am thankful for my faith and the steadfast love of my family and friends who allow me to live every day fearlessly.”