Education Committee

 Love What You Do

Mentor Program for College Students

Providing Networking Opportunities for the Future Generation of Women Leaders


2023 LWYD Group photo
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The GHWCC Mentorship program aims to benefit all participants, whether they are mentors or mentees. The mentorship program will promote personal and professional growth and development.  The Chamber will work diligently to match applicants with Mentors that are closely aligned with the Mentee’s chosen field.   


For mentors, the benefits include enhancing leadership and management skills, contributing to the community, learning the viewpoints of other generations, and becoming a role model for the next generation of successful Houston businesswomen.


For mentees, the benefits include gaining access to corporate and community leaders, obtaining advice, and participating in professional development opportunities through mentor relationships and programming.

The program will begin in February 2024, with an in-person kickoff event, and will run through May 2024.  The initial event is mandatory for all student participants!  This will be the first opportunity for program participants and their corporate match to formally meet.

Student applications are due November 30, 2023.  

Program Qualifications


  • Junior or Senior women currently enrolled in a Houston area University
  • Ideal candidates are open to feedback from their Mentor and willing to participate in a variety of career and professional building events including job shadowing, if available
  • Mentees are committed to meeting with their Mentor in person or by phone throughout the program at mutually beneficial times.


  • Professional women with relevant experience that complements Mentees’ career path
  • Ideal Mentors have a strong interest in guiding others, enthusiasm for sharing their expertise, and willingness to be an advocate for your Mentee
  • Able to commit to meeting with your Mentee six to eight hours between February and May.

Important Dates

November 30, 2023 Participant Application Deadline
February 2024 Kick-off Meeting

Application Process

Program Participants will be notified of their acceptance into the program by December 31.

We look forward to your participation in the program!

For further questions, please contact Brandee Rogers at 713.237.5709 or

*Applications due by midnight on November 15, 2023; only 40 female students will be selected to participate in this event. Please submit your resume with your application.