Frances Castaneda Dyess was appointed Chair of the Board of Pilot Commissioners for Harris County Ports. She is entering her 15th year as President of the Houston East End Chamber and was first appointed to the Houston Pilot Board in 2019 and most recently served as Treasurer. Her comprehensive understanding of the diverse stakeholders—from refineries and small to mid-sized business owners to community leaders, nonprofits, and elected officials—has been instrumental in her success on the Pilot Board. “Together, with my fellow Pilot Commissioners, the Houston Pilots Association, Port Houston, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston, and industry leaders, we will continue building a strong foundation for progress, opportunity, and inclusion in the maritime industry, and I wholeheartedly embrace the responsibility to continue to work hard to maintain the safest and most efficient Houston Ship Channel possible,” Frances said in remarks expressing her appreciation.