The Challenge
Parents and caregivers often take a proactive rather than reactive approach to their whole family’s health and wellness needs. To meet the needs of families, consumer products continue to strive to make health and wellness fun for children.
Making the appropriate health supplements more accessible to children can help support their overall wellness. For our youngest family members, making healthy choices can take some convincing, and so, delivery via product formation innovation may be key. For example, gummy vitamins can help to maintain good health, support a healthy diet, and offer a solution to consumers who have difficulty swallowing pills. The next innovative approach to pediatric wellness could help more children and families adopt healthy habits.
The Next in Naturals QuickFire Challenge focusing on Children’s Wellness invites innovators to submit potential new form ingestible innovations and/or vehicles of delivery for children’s wellness products that utilize ingredients inspired by nature.
The innovator(s) with the best idea(s) will receive up to $50,000 in grant funding, one year of residency at an available JLABS, and mentorship from the Johnson& Johnson Family of Companies.
Why this Challenge Matters
We know that children can benefit from vitamins and minerals as well as healthy diets and that quality healthcare outcomes depend upon adherence to recommended diet and supplement regimens. By aiming to improve delivery of wellness products, we hope to improve compliance and ultimately lead to better health and wellness outcomes for consumers.
Areas of Focus
We encourage innovators to submit ideas for the Children’s Wellness category that are inspired by nature and supported by scientific data. Examples of Children’s Wellness categories include but are not limited to vitamins, digestive health, probiotics, immunity, emotional health, and sleep.
Ideas should either:
- Contain unique forms as compared to what is already available on the market today or
- Utilize novel delivery methods designed for children
Submissions backed by non-confidential pre-clinical/ clinical data are preferred but not required (could be references to existing literature).
Rewards & Benefits
- One year of residency at an available JLABS with the use of a bench, workstation, and access to the JLABS global ecosystem
- Mentorship from the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
We’re interested in the potential to bring innovation to the Children’s Wellness category with new form innovation and/or delivery methods. Examples of Children’s Wellness categories include vitamins, digestive health, probiotics, immunity, emotional health, and sleep.
Evidence-based potential solutions will be evaluated by a panel of reviewers and judges on their ability to meet the following criteria:
- Inspired by nature
- Differentiating science, ingredients, forms, or ingested delivery methods vs. current portfolio and competitive offerings in the marketplace
- Quality & feasibility of technology
- Preferably supported by nonconfidential pre-clinical or clinical data (could be references to existing literature)
- Team credibility & capabilities
- Clarity of plan (milestones & defined go/no go decisions)
Ingredients and vehicles for delivery that are backed by non-confidential pre-clinical / clinical data are preferred but not required (could be references to existing literature). Product should be available for commercialization in existing retail channels within 6-18 months.
Submit your idea today!
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Can I submit supporting documents (for example a video) as part of my application?
You will have the opportunity and are encouraged to upload supporting materials such as slide decks, research papers, and videos as part of your application. You may submit a video along with your written responses. Maximum length is 2 minutes.
Is it ok if some of the information I submit is confidential?
Do not submit confidential information. Only non-confidential information should be provided, and anything you submit will be treated as non-confidential.
What happens with IP (Intellectual Property)?
As this is a no-strings attached arrangement, JLABS does not acquire any IP. Any IP creation and/or protection remains the sole responsibility of the inventors.
Is a patent required to apply?
No, a patent is not required to apply. However, you should not submit any information that is proprietary or that you wish to keep confidential, or that may negatively impact the future patentability of your invention.
What kind of science/technology is appropriate for the Challenges?
We encourage all to apply. Find out more about what areas we desire to explore here:
Who is eligible to apply?
Each Challenge has its own terms & conditions that can be reviewed and needs to be accepted before filling out the application.
Who can I contact if I have questions about the Challenges or the application process?
Please contact with any questions.
Where do I apply? And do I have to complete the application in one sitting?
Go to to learn more. From there you will be directed to set up an account.
About Johnson & Johnson Innovation
Johnson & Johnson Innovation LLC focuses on accelerating all stages of innovation worldwide and forming collaborations between entrepreneurs and Johnson & Johnson’s global healthcare businesses. Johnson & Johnson Innovation provides scientists, entrepreneurs and emerging companies with one-stop access to science and technology experts who can facilitate collaborations across the pharmaceutical, medical device and consumer companies of Johnson & Johnson. Under the Johnson & Johnson Innovation umbrella of businesses, we connect with innovators through our regional Innovation Centers; Johnson & Johnson Innovation | JLABS; Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JJDC, Inc.; and our business development teams to create customized deals and novel collaborations that speed development of innovations to solve unmet needs in patients. JLABS provides the laboratories, expertise, education, tools and resources needed to help life science startups thrive, all with no strings attached. A Johnson & Johnson Innovation Center for Device Innovation at the Texas Medical Center (CDI @ TMC) has been established to accelerate the development of medical devices. For more information about Johnson & Johnson Innovation, please visit: .
About Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS
Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS (JLABS) is a global network of open innovation ecosystems, enabling and empowering innovators across a broad healthcare spectrum including pharmaceutical, medical device, consumer and health tech sectors to create and accelerate the delivery of life-saving, life-enhancing health and wellness solutions to patients around the world. JLABS achieves this by providing the optimal environment for emerging companies to catalyze growth and optimize their research and development by opening them to vital industry connections, delivering entrepreneurial programs and providing a capital-efficient, flexible platform where they can transform the scientific discoveries of today into the breakthrough healthcare solutions of tomorrow. At JLABS, we value great ideas and are passionate about removing obstacles to success to help innovators unleash the potential of their early scientific discoveries. JLABS is a no-strings-attached model, which means entrepreneurs are free to develop their science while holding on to their intellectual property. JLABS also produces campaigns to seek out the best science called QuickFire Challenges. For more information, visit or follow @JLABS.