Organizational health is (still) the key to long-term performance

Feb 27, 2024 | News

For decades we’ve seen companies’ fortunes rise and fall based on their ability to react to, and recover quickly from, geopolitical shocks, technological advances, economic uncertainty, competitors’ bold moves, and other disruptions. Amid this volatility, which these days is accelerating rather than abating, many have a hard time staying the course. But some continue to survive and thrive despite the challenges. Why do these companies manage to succeed, year after year—operationally, financially, and otherwise—while others don’t?

Twenty-plus years of proprietary McKinsey research tells us that one of the main reasons is organizational health.

Organizational health refers to how effectively leaders “run the place”—that is, how they make decisions, allocate resources, operate day to day, and lead their teams with the goal of delivering high performance, both near term and over time. Organizational health comprises three elements: how well the entire organization rallies around a common vision and strategy, how well the organization executes its strategy, and how well the organization innovates and renews itself over time.

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